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晚安的英語朋友圈說說大全 朋友圈晚安的英文句子簡短

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晚安的英語朋友圈說說大全 朋友圈晚安的英文句子簡短



ness of attitude becomes weakness of character.態度上的弱點會變成性格上的弱點。

is i turned off the lights to have dreams.你是我關了燈才能擁有的夢。

3.I heard the beast the most weak place is the heart of love.聽說禽獸最軟弱的地方就是愛人的心臟。

are still young and you will be with me in the end.我們還很年輕,說不定最後你還是會和我在一起。

all your happiness be free from pretending to be sincere and kind at the end of your life.願你所有快樂無需假裝,願你此生盡頭赤誠善良。

protect the world,I protect you.你保護世界,我保護你。

one but ourselves can degrade us.沒人能夠貶低我們,除非是我們自己。

8.I can be a persion,I don't need any one.我可以一個人,我不需要任何人。

life knocks you down,roll over,and look at the stars.當生活把你絆倒了,翻個身,仰望星空。

y the hectic and adapt to loneliness.享受忙碌,適應孤獨。


1、Focus on your long-term things will soon happen.專注於你的長期目標,美妙的事情很快會來到。


3、A true friend is the one who is proud of you when you succeed and doesn’t leave you when you fail.真正的朋友,在你成功時,會引以爲豪;在你失敗時,會不離不棄。

晚安的英語朋友圈說說大全 朋友圈晚安的英文句子簡短 第2張


4、Winter is an etching,spring a watercolor,summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.冬天是蝕刻畫,春天是水彩畫,夏天是油畫,而秋天則是三者的美麗交織。

5、Whatever is going to happen will happen,whether we worry or not.(Ana Monnar)該發生的總會發生,不管你是否爲此焦慮。

6、The best color in the whole world,is the one that looks good,on you!~Coco Chanel最適合你的顏色,纔是世界上最美的顏色。

7、Do not forget,once owned more difficult to get to treasure,not to give up their own,have lost things in memory.曾經擁有的不要忘記,難以得到的更要珍惜,屬於自己的不要放棄,已經失去的留作回憶。

8、Im just a sunflower,waiting for belongs to my only sunshine.我只是一朵向日葵,等待着屬於我的唯一的陽光

9、The respectability of youth lies in their courage and great expectations.年輕人的可敬之處在於勇氣和遠大前程。

10、All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers.一直以來,成就大事的人都是大夢想家。—奧裏森馬登

11、Celebrate what youve accomplished,but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.慶祝你所取得的成就,但在每次成功過後,要把標準再拉高一點。—米婭·哈姆


13、Real happiness,not ecstasy,also not pain,it is slow,the big wave.真正的快樂,不是狂喜,亦不是苦痛,它是細水長流,碧海無波。

14、Time can heal a broken heart,but time can also break a waiting heart.時間可以癒合一顆破碎的心,也會傷害一顆等待的心。

15、Life is a palette,you put colors on your past make you better,not bitter.生活是調色板,每個人自己在上面加上顏色。讓你的過去失去你更多成長,而不是增添更多怨恨。
